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Meteor.js Installation/Setup & Where to Find Packages

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Hey guys, I want to touch briefly on Meteor.js, today in this video, and a little bit about how to use it. First thing you’re going to do is in a Google search just type “install meteor.” It’s going to give us the location of the Meteor installer to download. If you’re on OSX or Linux, just copy this command “curl | sh“ open up Terminal, clear it out, and then paste it in here. If you get this error, it means that you don’t have curl installed so you need to install it. So sudo apt-get install curl” and once curl is setup you can run the previous command again. And it’s going to download Meteor and install it. I already have Meteor installed and so it’s removing my existing meteor installation, and it’s going to download a new one. So, when Meteor is done installing it gives you a notice here, how to get started. So, let’s just create an app, do I have a projects directory already, I do. So, I want to change directory to projects and I’m going to type, Meteor, create to do and it’s going to create project and a project directory in my current directory called “to do”. So, I’m going to change directory, and then if I list the directory Meteor has created the three files to get you started. So I can type “meteor” and it’s going to launch the program on port 3000, there we go. So, once again, this message means the app has been launched, so you can go to local hosts on port 3000 and this is our Meteor app. It’s got an event handler here for the click me button, which counts the times it’s been pressed, but that doesn’t really look to great. So I’m going to close this here, show you how you add packages to Meteor. So you type “meteor add” and then the package name. So you can browse Meteor packages by going to, and if I were looking for say, bootstrap, I would…there is a lot here. However, the official bootstrap module or package is “add twbs:” stands for twitter bootstrap and then “bootstrap”. So, when I add that to my project like this, and let me go into the filemanager here, into projects, and to do, and you’ll going to see these three files that it created for us. But if you hit Control+H you’re going to also see a hidden directory entitled Meteor, and this is where it stores the packages that we add, and some internal Meteor stuff as well. So, I’m not going into that. These are the files that you’ll be working in with Meteor so you can open for instance, the HTML file with the “gedit” here we go. And you’ll see, this is the mark up. So, Meteor works with templates a lot. This isn’t an in depth tutorial, but more about how to get started. Meteor has a pretty awesome tutorial on their website. Just go to and you can access the documentation, reference points, and the tutorial to get you started. So, that’s the basic usage of Meteor in the command line. Typically, it’s just Meteor create in the App name, and once you’re on the app directory just run Meteor to run the application, and you can use the Meteor add or Meteor remove, if you want to remove a package, add to add a package and then the package name. So, thanks for reading this and I hope you guys found it informative and a good place to start with Meteor. A selling point for Meteor is the fact that realtime interactions are built into its core. So, you no longer have to fake it, with Javascript, Ajax calls to PHP scripts, everything is done in Javascript, it’s all realtime. So, It’s awesome to work with and it makes things easy as well. So, check that out, if you’re into web application development at all.