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Learn Ethical Hacking Episode #25: Footprinting with Nmap (Part 2)


If you find yourself needing assistance at any point throughout the tutorial series, feel free to enroll in The Complete Ethical Hacking Course Bundle for 1 on 1 help!

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The Complete Ethical Hacking Course for 2018!
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The Complete Ethical Hacker Course: Beginner to Advanced!
Build an Advanced Keylogger for Ethical Hacking!

Hello everybody and welcome to this tutorial. Today, I will do some actual scanning, and for that I have picked a domain outside of my local area network. You can find this on the nmap official site, Feel free to this site as they have given the public permission, but do not abuse the privilege. A few scans per days is sufficient to learn how to use nmap.

So, I need to take this domain. You cannot use control + C or control + V in the terminal because control + C is the universal interrupt command, and control + V will simply not work. You will need to use a mouse and manually do it. In any case, we need to trim this down, we don’t need any of these things, we just want the main name to remain. I’m going to go ahead and type in nmap, space, and there we go. We’re going to scan this domain. However, if I just press ENTER like this, it’s going to conduct some scanning, it will do the job I assure you, but it will not give us any output whatsoever. This will be continuously empty until the scan is complete. For a short scan such as this, zero output in the terminal is fine, but if you’re conducting a scan that can last up to a day, it’s worrying to see that there is nothing here. You can’t be sure whether it’s working, if it is bugged, or what not, and that’s why it’s always better to pass the V option for verbose output. I have a personal preference to pass the VV option for extra verbose output. So, the system tells me pretty much everything that it is doing, and how it is functioning, and I can see it as it progresses, and I can see that some ports are open prior to the completion of the scan. I’ll just go ahead and begin the scan, and you can see immediately, before it finished the scan, it has told me that ports 22 and 80 are open. Now, by default, nmap will scan for 1,000 ports. You can tell it to scan for more ports. You can even tell it to scan for the maximum range of ports which is 65,535. Rarely anyone does this as it is time-consuming. Usually, you have an idea what sort of services you wish to target, and then you scan for the ports on which those services are likely to run. For example, port 22 would be SSH (secure shell), and port 25 is SMTP (simple mail transfer protocol). If you don’t know what that is it’s an email server. 80 would be HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol), and you have nping-echo on port 9929. The state of these ports is rather clear. So, it’s open, open, open, and you can also get a state to closed. It says here not shown, 996 ports closed. When it says filtered, well, usually there’s a firewall setting which is dropping the packets. It may not be closing the board perhaps, but it’s definitely doing something to the packets that are coming through that port. It’s perhaps blocking them from a certain IP, or something of a kind, there can be a lot of options here. In any case, the general meaning of this filtered flag here is that nmap can not determine whether the port is open or closed. Usually, you want to stay away from those ports, or you can do some extra research and find out how you can access them. They may require a particular app, or a particular protocol, to be accessed, and that’s why nmap cannot scan it properly. That can be a bit problematic. Stick to the open ports and see what you can do with the them. Now, nmap also has an option to create a graphical output. Basically, you can dump your results here into a file, you can store it, and sort it as well. You then gain the ability to extract separate bits and pieces of information. For example, if you simply want the IP addresses of hosts that are up, or you want the IP addresses of hosts that have port 22 open or filtered, or that are running a certain service like SSH, or SMTP, or HTTP, etc. However, I won’t be doing that for I believe I have used their system enough, and for this example I require a range of IP addresses to give you a meaningful result.

What I’m going to do now is scan my local subnet. If you don’t know what yours is, well, it’s most likely configured as mine is. If it’s not, just type in…let’s just clear the screen first. Type in ifconfig and you will get a result here for eth0, or for whatever interface you are using. Just take a look at this IP address that has been assigned to this interface. So, the lowest and the maximum value of the final octet here, or the first octet here, will be the range of your local subnet. So from 0 to 255. Let me just show you what that looks like in case you did not understand here. Type in nmap, and then for a graphical output we need -oG, – and then we need to give it a range of IP addresses. So, – 255. So, it’s going to scan for all of the IP addresses that have this, and that go from 0 to 255. Now keep in mind that I can customize the range anyway I want. For example, here where it says 1, I can type in – 67. So, it’s going to use these, it’s going to use this octet, and this octet in combination, and it’s going to scan for all possibilities, although that might take a lot of time because that’s a lot of IP addresses. Anyway, I’m not done just yet. What I need to do is actually cause a redirect. So, before I cause a redirect I’m just going give request double verbosity mode. Why am I redirecting my standard output? Well, I don’t want all of the information to be printed out in the terminal window where eventually it will be lost, pretty much as soon as I close the terminal, or as soon as enough commands are passed that the cache needs to be rewritten for the terminal. Furthermore, if it’s written out in standard output and on the terminal itself, I can’t do anything else with it. I cannot manipulate it, it’s not a file that I can take, rather instead it’s just standard output. What I want to do is cause a redirect with a greater than sign into a file. So, I’m just going to go ahead and type in /home/, and I’m going to name this file SCAN, excellent! So, all of the results that nmap gathers will be stored into this file here, and this is the path to the file. Even though I have passed a good amount of hosts here, I’ve given it 255 hosts, because I’m in LAN it’s going to go faster. When you’re doing this over the Internet, a very good idea is to pass a port, or at least a port range. Don’t let it scan all 1,000 ports. Or, even worse, do not specify that it should scan a full port range. Regardless of what sort of internet connection you have, it will take a good amount of time to finish. Furthermore, you’re bound to trigger some red flags, so you should define a port here in order to save yourself a lot of time, and I mean generally you will know which service you want to attack, you will have some sort of an idea there. I’m going to go ahead and pass port 22, that is the port that I wish to scan for, press ENTER, and let’s see if this is successful. There we go, it is functioning. It finished rather fast. Even though I passed double verbosity mode, everything here is being redirected here, so I won’t see anything in the terminal window. If this scan takes longer when you’re doing it over the internet, and it will take longer if you’re doing it over the internet, don’t think immediately that something has failed. So, let’s just do this, ls, now look what I’m doing here. I’m going to do a very similar thing with our scan file, and I’m going to type in grep SCAN, press enter, there we go. I have passed the ls command to list pretty much everything within the home directory, and then I have piped the output of ls to grep, basically pipe means just pass it. I’ve passed the output to grep, and what grep does is basically pull whatever you specify here. It pulls it from the output. I’ve told it to pull whatever is in there, that has the name scan, or that has the string scan within it. So, I could have had a name like AAA, scan, BBB, it would still pull it without any problems. This is one of the ways in which we can make sure that the file is located within a certain folder, especially in situations where you have hundreds of files in a single folder, and you don’t want to go through them manually. Just use grep if you know the name, or if you know a partial name, in order to figure out what is where. So, let’s go ahead and clear the screen, and let me just show you what is located within our scan file. So, less scan, press Enter, and there we go. We have pretty much all the hosts within my LAN network, within my local subnet. They are all down of course because I don’t have 255 computers or devices within my home network, rather instead you see what it has found. It has found the router IP, the router that I’m using for this test, and it says port 22/filtered/TCP/SSH. That one has an open port of 22, it’s status is up, and I also have on 100 status is up, 22 is closed, on 102 is up, it’s filtered, and so on and so forth.

So, let me go ahead and do a very similar thing here because I want to leave it on the screen, so I can explain it to you. The less command is very nice but when you exit it disappears. Cat, however, prints everything within a file to standard output, and it stays here for the duration of the terminal. The reason why I did this will become apparent quite soon. So, what you want to do now is type in cat SCAN as before, and now we want to pipe the output of SCAN to grep in order to pull something out of here, the useful information. Let’s say that I want to pull all the hosts that are up. I want to pull all live hosts, I want to see their IP addresses, and when I type in grep what is the universal markation for all the hosts that are up? Well, you have a flag here, status and then flag up. Let’s go ahead and type in up, press Enter, excellent! I will give you a bit of clarity, there we go. You have these flags which are up, so I have all the hosts here that are currently up and running,
that are alive on the network, but this is not what I want. If I wanted to pass these IP addresses to another program, I wouldn’t be able to pass this whole line because it wouldn’t make any sense. Especially, if the other program is only requesting the IP address of the host. You perform one nmap scan to see which hosts are alive, and then once you figure out which hosts are alive you can do a more detailed scan on those particular hosts. This would save a lot of time. So, we have these hosts here, but we want to pull these IP addresses. I’m afraid I just can’t do that with grep. Perhaps I could, but it would be too complicated and it really wouldn’t be practical. That is why Linux has something that is called awk. Awk is used for formatting text and pulling out certain parts of a file that you have deemed that you need. Now you could make an entire separate tutorial on awk. I would strongly advise that you familiarize yourselves with awk by referencing the man pages. However, for the time being, and for the purposes of this tutorial, we will be using some basic awk commands which pretty much everybody uses, and which are a necessary part of pen-testing. So, cat can print everything to standard output, grep Up. So, grep all of the lines that contain the word up. And then what I want to do here is eliminate this part, leave this part in, and eliminate this part. How shall I do that? Well, the first thing that we need to do is specify a field delimiter. Basically, if you say that the colon here is a field delimiter, this will be one field, this will be another field, and this will be yet another field. So, you will have three fields in total. However, that doesn’t really work for us. If we say that the colon is a delimiter, this entire section that I’ve highlighted will be considered a field, and we will have parentheses, and the status, the parts that we don’t really want. What you can use as a field delimiter here is a space. So space here, this is one field, this is going to be another, and this again is going to be a field delimiter because there’s a space, and this will be a third one, and then you have another space, and the fourth, and so on and so forth. In order to specify a field delimiter to be space, well simply leave an empty space in between the quotation marks. Generally, you would put quotation marks and you would specify a field delimiter in between them. If you wanted a colon this is how you would do it, but we don’t want a colon. We want a space, and that’s it. Open single quotation marks, open curly brackets, type in print $, and then you need to type in the number of the field that you would like to print out. So, we would like to print out the second field, 2, close curly brackets, close quotation marks, press ENTER, and there we go. We have all the IP addresses listed of the host that are up without anything else. Now, what you can do with this is pass it to another file, it’s called SCAN2, press ENTER, and then you can type in nmap – iL scan2, then you can perform a full nmap scan for just four hosts. This might take a bit. No, I don’t want to view it like that. Let me request double verbose, excellent! So, now you can do a full scan for just four hosts instead of doing it for all 255 hosts. Just figure out which hosts are alive, and you don’t need to do that with port 22, just do a ping sweep, and that’s going to be it. You will be able to figure out which hosts are alive, perform detailed analysis of this particular host, and you can see I’m already receiving information here. My home router is filled with holes, but it doesn’t matter at this moment. I am just using it for the demonstration of this tutorial. I’m going to switch it as soon as I’m done with the tutorial. I have 443 on 102, so I probably have some SSL going on there. Port 80 here, port 23. We will soon see what all these services mean. However, you can experience these flags here, and usually you will experience delays because you know there are some packets that are being dropped, some that are being refused by the servers on the other side. You can also have time limiters, and so on and so forth. So, here you can see the scans and what they have revealed thus far. They will tell me everything that I want to know in regard to my local area network. It even gives out the MAC addresses which I’m going to cover up, and you won’t be able to see them, but, in any case, you see how much information you get, and how much time you can save. I am going to end this tutorial here and we will move on to the next one. I hope that you’ve enjoyed this one, and I’ll see you next time.

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Learn Ethical Hacking Episode #24: Footprinting with Nmap (Part 1)


If you find yourself needing assistance at any point throughout the tutorial series, feel free to enroll in The Complete Ethical Hacking Course Bundle for 1 on 1 help!

Below is a list of the courses included in the bundle:

The Complete Ethical Hacking Course for 2018!
Certified Ethical Hacker Boot Camp for 2018!
The Complete Ethical Hacker Course: Beginner to Advanced!
Build an Advanced Keylogger for Ethical Hacking!

Hello everybody and welcome to this tutorial. Today, I will start a chapter on footprinting. So, I have explained what the act of footprinting is before, but now we will actually go ahead and conduct a few scans to see how it all works, and introduce you to the tools that we will be using.

First off, we need to find ourselves a target to scan. I could scan myself, but that would not be realistic because I already know what the results are going to be. Plus, it would not be a long range scan over the internet, I would be scanning within my own local area network. So, the speed of the scan would not be realistic as it would be a lot faster than when you conduct the scan over the net. So, what I did was I went online, and you can do the same, and on the official nmap website they have a section devoted to actually allowing people to scan them to test their tool out. Here is the written permission that you can actually scan this website. You can scan it to test out the nmap tool, a few scans a day here is fine, but do not scan it a hundred times a day, or use this to test your SSH brute force password cracking tools, etc. So, that’s definitely something you don’t want to do, but you can run a few scans on this site per day and according to them that’s perfectly fine. You are not breaking any laws. I’m just emphasizing one more time that you do have a written permission right here on the site, which is fantastic because it gives us an opportunity to actually simulate real time circumstances to see how nmap behaves.

Now nmap is an essential tool for pretty much any pentester out there. Many people will say that it’s pointless to port scan, it doesn’t do you much good, and so on and so forth. Well, perhaps in terms of exploiting the services running on the port themselves it doesn’t do you that much good, but just by seeing which ports are open and which ports are closed you can, to a fairly good extent, determine which operating system, or which platform, is being used on the other side, and then you can find weaknesses of that platform. Of course, there are some other ways of doing this, I will show them to you, but let me show you how nmap works. Nmap is known to trigger quite a few alarms, quite a lot of firewall red flags, and you want to make sure that your nmap scans are as discreet as possible. Now there are tools to actually figure this out, but I will show you here how to do it using the Linux terminal. There is also something called zenmap. Zenmap is a graphical user interface of nmap, but we will not be using that. Instead, I want to teach you how to use it via terminal. So, nmap is the one most commonly used, and it is always used in the terminal text format. People rarely use the actual graphical user interface. In the previous chapter, we have also discussed how to stay anonymous, so at the end of the chapter I will be combining these things: scanning, footprinting, and anonymizing your scans. In any case, without further ado, let’s type in nmap –help, press ENTER, and there we go. There are a lot of options here, I mean a metric ton of options, way more options than we actually need for a basic scan. However, eventually, over time, you will come to understand that all of these options are available for a reason, there is a particular use case for each of them. So, what you need to do is scroll down to the bottom, and here you have examples of how nmap runs. So, 99% of the time you will type in nmap -v for verbose output. For this sort of activity, we will want as much information as possible. We can use -A to enable OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute. I don’t think we’re going to need that immediately. There is the -O function which is just for OS detection. Anyway, you can pass either, which is basically the domain name and it will get resolved to an IP address, or you can actually pass it an IP address. If you’re wondering what this is, this is a mask. It would be very difficult to explain in great detail what this is, but for the time being know that this is actually an IP address range. It goes from a certain IP address, to a certain IP address, but you do not actually need to use this format. Not that many people actually use this particular format with the mask. They just tend to specify very specific ranges because they don’t have the permissions to scan the entire subnet. Instead, they have to create lists, and then skip certain IP addresses, and then continue again from a certain point. So, they do need to create lists, and that can be a problem.

Now up here, at the top, you have another very important option that’s going to come in handy, you have – iL, input file name. So you can actually create a list, in a file, a list of IP addresses, and then you can scan those particular IP addresses. They will also have an ability to do this, look at what’s written here. So just take a look at this segment and its 10.0, and then this segment here, this octet here is 0-255, and then the last octet is 1-255. If you’re wondering why I’m calling these things octets, it’s because each one of these has 8 bits, and it is represented in binary. So it can have 8 zeros, or 8 ones, or a combination of ones and zeros, but it has 8 bits, so 8 positions. That’s why they are referred to as octets. This is a very common form that people tend to use, and this is what you will find yourselves using. Either this, this will be a method in which you will specify the IP addresses, or you will be passing files. People will either create these files themselves, or they can find these IP addresses on the internet. So in addition to this site,, you also have this one here, This is a fantastic website. The entire range of pretty much every IP address block is listed here, and it also lists who owns what. You can search and find and it’s going to give you the appropriate IP addresses for that particular country, and it’s going to give you the owner of those IP addresses. Usually it’s just telecoms, but you also have other people who own them as well. So I’ll just give it a shot. Let’s just type in Germany, or I don’t know, France. Okay, this is not the first search, but that’s not a problem. Actually, you can find it down here, and I’m not going type it in here. I could control + F France, there we go. Down here, just saving myself a bit of time there, and there we go. So, you have a range, this is a given range here, it’s from to 215.255.255. This is a massive range. This is a humongous range. Look at how many IP addresses you can have in total, how many of them you can generate within this range. It’s quite a lot. This is owned by French Telecom. I don’t know why they need this many IP addresses. So, as I said, you can sort them out by the owner, and you can see that many of them are not listed here. Wow! France has a lot of IP addresses assigned to it. They’re not free, they cost money. Let’s just go ahead and see down below. Where is it? Where is it? OK, so you see all of these IP addresses, and this is a pretty massive range, so this is a telecom in France. Look at how many IP addresses, IP address ranges they have. So, that’s quite a lot, and this site, as I said previously, we can use to figure out which IP address range we wish to scan. Again, you usually do not have the permission to scan the entire range. You can scan certain IP addresses within that range for which you have a permission. This is a very nice site to determine where the IP address is from, or something like that. However, always remember, once you get an IP address your search engine is your best friend. This is one of the major components of footprinting. You can type in whois, and then type in an IP address, I don’t know I’m just going to type in this random IP address. So, if you don’t want to search for it here, you can have a look at it here. Whois I don’t know if this search will be successful. There we go. So, I’ve typed in whois and I’ve picked the first website out that I could find, and here I have all the information in regards to that particular IP address. I have a country, I have the username of the admin, I suppose, I have the status, remarks, source, and I even have an address, a physical address, of the IP address, which is ridiculous. Yeah, as I said, search engines are your absolute best friends. If you want to find pretty much anything on the net in regards to an IP address, or to do any sort of research, make sure you utilize your favorite search engine.

So, those are the two tools that I wanted to introduce you to. Well, one tool, one website, and one search method which you can use in order to determine where an IP address is from, or whois using it, and even to determine its physical location. Although, it’s physical location can be assigned to a telecom, and that telecom can assign it to a city, and to a specific region in the city. Then you can find it on google maps, or on google earth, but usually those things are not that precise. What is precise, however, is that the IP address belongs to a telecom, and they keep rotating them in between cities. So, if you have let’s say a hundred thousand IP addresses that you have scanned, and if you wish to sort them out by the city, you will get 70-90% accuracy. This can be problematic because you’re going to miss out on some things. You also have something called nslookup. I’m going to use I have said I want to look up files on, and this is my DNS server, which is basically my router. You see it says port 53. You know immediately that it’s a DNS because all DNS traffic runs on port 53. Then we have the results. So, this is the domain name, and you get the IP address down below. This is also one of the ways in which we can get the IP address off of the site with a domain. Once you know the domain you don’t actually know the IP address until you look it up, but there’s a far simpler method. You don’t need to use nmap. Oh, by the way, nslookup also works in reverse. So, type in nslookup, and you can type in the IP address, go ahead and press Enter. Down below are authoritative answers from the name servers. Basically, that means there are DNS servers and they are giving you responses, and telling you to whom the domain belongs to, and so on and so forth. What I want to show you here is that you can actually get a domain name by typing in nslookup, and then the IP address, and here where it says non authoritative answer you get the IP address, and then you get the name, which is the domain name. However, you might notice that there was a problem here, that this IP address does not match this one. Well, guess what? It actually does. Try looking at it in reverse. It’s 74, 74 here, 207, and 207 here, 244, and 244 here, and 221 here, and 221 here. When you do an nslookup, and when you pass in an IP address, it’s going to do a reverse lookup in the DNS MX records. It’s going to query the DNS servers, and the DNS servers are going to give it a response, but in the MX records this is basically how things are written. You write an IP address in reverse, and then you put this in,, but this part really is not that interesting to us. This is more interesting to server admins who configure the DNS servers. We will get to DNS servers in the later stages of this course. What is important for you here is we’ve typed in an IP address, you’ve used the tool called nslookup, and you have gotten a domain name in return. Now you can start doing some other things as well, but we will be dealing primarily with nmap. Nmap is a tool used to scan networks and to retrieve information from them. What I’ve showed you in this video is some basic information, retrieval, and some basic external resources that you can use. In any case, I’ll see you in the second part of this nmap introduction, and there we’re going to actually conduct some scans and see how it all works. Thank you for watching and I hope to see you next time.

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The Complete Ethical Hacking Course: Beginner to Advanced!

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Build an Advanced Keylogger Using C++ for Ethical Hacking!

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The Complete Python 3 Course: Go from Beginner to Advanced!

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Learn Python Episode #24: Final Project

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Welcome back everyone! We are on the last video of this tutorial series which means you now have a basic understanding of Python. You actually have enough knowledge right now to start building basic programs. We have covered some of the core concepts, as well as the language syntax, and we currently know how to create loops, if-elif-else statements, variables, etc. So, we are going to finish off the series with a project, specifically building a calculator in Python. Let’s go ahead an open up our ide.

import re

print("Our Magical Calculator")
print("Type 'quit to exit\n'")

previous = 0
run = True

def performMath():
global run
global previous
equation = ""
if previous == 0:
equation = input("Enter equation:")
equation = input (str(previous))


if equation == 'quit':
print("Goodbye, human.")
run = false
equation = re.sub('[a-zA-Z,.:()" "]', ' ', equation)

if previous == 0:
previous = eval(equation)
previous = eval(str(previous) + equation)


while run:

At the top of the script we are going to import the regex library, write a print statement welcoming our user, and inform our user how to exit the program. Next, we will define the previous and run variables. The previous variable will define the default value upon starting the program, and the run variable will determine whether the program is running or not.

Next, we will get into the meat of our calculator program. We will begin by defining the performMath function. Since the run and previous variables do not exist within our function, we will need to import them as global variables. Finally, we will define the equation variable.

Now that the performMath function is created, we will need to tell it what to do. The first if-else statement will request an input from the user. The second if-else statement will tell the program how to handle the user input. If the user types “quit”, the program will end and print “Goodbye, human.” Otherwise, the program will run a regex request on the input. Remember from the previous tutorial, we can use the regex library to identify and replace different sets of characters. We do not want the user inputting anything other than basic math. In the same block of code, we are going to run the eval function on the input from the user. If the user has already run a calculation, our program will take that result and add it to any additional calculations.

Lastly, we will create a while loop to run our performMath function. This is a very basic program and I would be interested to see any additions you make to it! Thank you to everyone who followed along with this tutorial series. I hope you found the information valuable!

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Learn Python Episode #23: Importing Libraries into a Script

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In this tutorial we are going to learn how to import different modules into a Python script. So, what is a module? A module is an external library that you can include and use in your project, without having to write the additional functionality yourself. Let’s import the regex library.

import re

Re is included with Python, so there’s nothing that we need to install in order to use it. Regex is basically a mini-programming language that you can use within most other languages. Regex gives us a way to match certain characters and then do something based on that. Let’s cover some basic re usage.

string = "'I AM NOT YELLING', she said. Though we knew it to not be true."


This particular string has capital letters, lower-case letters, a comma, a period, and quotations. Let’s play around with this a bit.

new = re.sub('[A-Z]', '', string)

What we’re going here is instantiating the re object that we imported at the top of the script, and we’re calling the sub, or substitute, function on the re object. So just like calling any other function, we need to provide parameters to the object. We haven’t discussed classes or objects yet, and we will get to them later, but this is what we need to know for the sake of this video. The three parameters that this substitute function will take is the matches we want to make, what we want to replace them with, and then string that we’re going to manipulate. Take note that rules in regex are contained within square brackets.


As you can see, we took the capital letters A-Z and replaced them with blank space. There are all sorts of different applications for regex, and we will be using it when creating a calculator in the next video.

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Learn Python Episode #22: For/While Loops

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In this tutorial we are going to cover the two loops types in Python. The first one is a for loop. A for loop will allow you to iterate over a list in Python. In other words, you can do something for each item in the list. So, let’s go ahead and create a list.

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

for item in numbers

When we run this each number in our list will be printed out in the console. Let’s add names to our list instead of numbers.

names = ["Nick", "Someone", "Another Person"]

for item in names
print("This persons name is", item)

That is a for loop, and basically the second parameter is to access the list, and then the first parameter is what you want each item in the list to be called while inside it’s little block of code. Now we’re going to learn about a while loop.

run = True
current = 1

while run:
if current == 100:
run = False
current += 1

In this bit of code we are creating two variables, while, and then we write what we want to happen while the program is running. In this case, we are going to check to see if current = 100. If not, we are going to add 1 to the total, and we are starting from 1. Once the total hits 100 the program will stop running. We will be using loops quite a bit throughout this course, so make sure you’ve mastered this concept.

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Learn Python Episode #21: If, Elif, Else Statements

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In this tutorial we are going to be learning about the conditional statements available to you in Python. So, we’re going to be learning about the if-else statement, and this is basically provides us a way to evaluate if something is true or false, and then perform something whether or not the condition is met. Let’s write an if-else statement.

check = True

if check == False:
print("It is false")
print("It is actually equal to True")

This is going to print out “It is actually equal to True” in the console. First, Python is going to check if the variable is equal to false. Else, it’s going to continue through the script and print, or perform, whatever we tell it to do. This is great if we only have two conditions, but what if we want to use more than two? Between the if and else we can use an elif statement, and here we can supply an additional condition.

check = Hamburger

if check == False:
print(“It is false”)
elif check == “Hamburger”:
print(“Yummm, hamburgers”)
print(“It is actually equal to True”)

When we run this script it’s going check to see if the first condition is true, if not it will check the next condition, if not it will print the else statement. So, that’s what an if-statement is, and these are necessary for the project we are about to begin working on.

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Learn Python Episode #20: Return Values from Functions

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Welcome back everyone. This is the final tutorial in the subsection for functions, and we’re going to be talking about return values from functions. Again, this may not be new to some of you as it is a fairly basic concept. So, in the past videos we have been using functions to print something out, but what if we want to return that value and do something else with it? Let’s go ahead and define a function.

def do_math(num1, num2):
return num1 + num2

do_math(5, 7)

Now when we run this bit of code, it’s not going to print anything in our Python console because we didn’t tell it to. Let’s add on to this.

def do_math(num1, num2):
return num1 + num2

math1 = do_math(5, 7)
math2 = do_math(11, 34)

print("First sum is", math1, "and the second sum is", math2)

When we run this we get the First sum is 12 and the second sum is 45. So, again, this a very simple example, but we will expand on this when we build our calculator.

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Learn Python Episode #19: Infinite Arguments

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In this video we are going to discuss passing an infinite number of arguments in to a function. So, let’s go ahead and write a function.

def print_people(*people):

So, here we have a function called print_people, and the asterisk tells this argument that it’s going to be an array of all the arguments that are passed in to the function. This may result in 1, 100, 1,000, etc. arguments, and we will see how this works in a moment. With an array we need some way to loop over it, and so we’re going to be using a for statement.

for person in people:
print("This person is", person)

Basically, the for loop allows us to iterate over the people list and pass the values into our function as arguments. Again, if you’re familiar with other programming languages this is not a new concept, it’s just a slightly different way of doing it. Let’s call the print_people function and pass it some names.

print_people("Nick", "Dan", "Jack", "King", "Smiley")

What we’re doing here is passing 5 arguments. Now if we knew we were always going to expect 5 arguments, we could accept each individual argument as it’s own variable. However, if we don’t know the total number of values, we are going to create an array stored in the variable called people. So, that’s how to include an infinite, or flexible, number of parameters. In the next tutorial we will cover return values.

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Learn Python Episode #18: Keyword Arguments

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Alright! So, let’s talk about keyword arguments. The first keyword, or boolean, that we are going to cover is None. Basically, this is the equivalent to null in other languages. So, let’s go ahead and write our previous function.

def print_something(name = "Someone", age = "Unknown"):
print("My name is", name, "and my age is", age)

print_something(None, 27)

There isn’t a way to pass in an argument that isn’t first one being used unless we use keyword arguments. We can also define the variable when we call the function.

def print_something(name = "Someone", age = "Unknown"):
print("My name is", name, "and my age is", age)

print_something(age = 27, name = "Nick")

By using keyword arguments, we can specify which value is supposed to go in a particular variable.

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